Keeping it clean

Swan Laundry
Project Date:
Keeping it clean
Keeping it clean

Swan Laundry know their stuff when it comes to professional cleaning, adopting new technologies and reducing environmental impact. At the same time, they boast a long history of attention to detail and high quality.

The Brief

The main challenge we faced when rebranding Swan, was retaining a link with their original identity, while finding an all-rounded solution suitable for both their present and future. We also needed to integrate Swan’s forward-thinking approach into the new brand, while making it appeal to a wider audience.

The Work

Our Strategy and Design teams worked together to research local and international competitors. We then worked on creating a strong brand proposition that would set the right tone and act as a guide for every touchpoint. “Masters of our craft” tells the story of a company keen to offer a premium quality service, always looking for better and greener ways to innovate.

We wanted to convey the idea of cleanliness and innovation through Swan’s new identity, starting from the colour scheme. The original Swan blue was elevated to a more modern hue, accompanied by a lighter blue and white. We also worked on typography, starting off by choosing a sans serif, more in line with the contemporary look and feel of the refreshed brand.When it came to the logo, we decided to retain the swan element to ensure brand recognition. We then treated characters to create a space where we wanted to incorporate the element, within the ‘A’ of the name ‘Swan’.

We also stylised the swan icon separately as a standalone touchpoint, to be applied on a number of different applications.In line with their forward-thinking and sustainable approach, Swan uses one of the most innovative and eco-friendly wet cleaning technologies. We named their service Pure Clean, then created a video to explain how it works – using the new brand colours and a fresh, light and contemporary illustration style.

We enjoyed working with Swan at every stage of the project. We’re thrilled to have helped them reintroduce their brand with a fresh, new look that will make a splash in the industry.

Keeping it clean
Keeping it clean
Keeping it cleanKeeping it clean
Keeping it clean
Keeping it cleanKeeping it clean
Keeping it clean
Keeping it clean
Keeping it cleanKeeping it clean
Keeping it clean
Keeping it clean
Keeping it clean
Keeping it clean
Keeping it clean
Keeping it clean
Keeping it cleanKeeping it clean
Keeping it clean
Keeping it clean
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The results

Keeping it clean

<img class="img-fluid w-100" src="" alt="" width="2560" height="1140"> BRND WGN was the driving force behind our rebrand. The team were professional, knowledgeable and always ready to support and advise. Joe Mifsud CEO, Swan Laundry <img alt="" width="2560" height="1140" data-src="" class="img-fluid w-100 lazyload" src=""><noscript><img class="img-fluid w-100" src="" alt="" width="2560" height="1140"><img class="img-fluid w-100" src="" alt="" width="1280" height="1140"><img class="img-fluid w-100" src="" alt="" width="1280" height="1140"><img class="img-fluid w-100" src="" alt="" width="2560" height="1140">