Every year we wrap things up with a holiday gift to say thank you to our clients and friends. It's important to us that these gifts are as eco-friendly as can be. We source everything locally, we stay away from plastic, recycle as much as we can and recommend ways of repurposing our gifts when they're done with.
Another great year, another fun Christmas gift. But this time we went a little greener – with Aloe Vera. Every year we wrap things up with a holiday gift to say thank you to our clients and friends. It’s important to us that these gifts are as eco-friendly as can be. We source everything locally, we stay away from plastic, recycle as much as we can and recommend ways of repurposing our gifts when they’re done with.But this year we felt that more needed to be done and our gifts should have a greater purpose. So, for our 2019 project, we delivered over 200 of the best carbon-cutting plants around and gave a little something extra to Mother Earth by donating to the Rainforest Trust and promoting their amazing cause.
First of all, who doesn’t love Aloe Vera? Although this plant may not scream Christmas time, it’s the thought that counts – after a lot of thought and research Aloe Vera proved itself to be the perfect plant for Maltese offices benefitting humans and the planet.
Aloe Vera needs little water and maintenance, can flourish in the Maltese heat, has healing properties, is proven to boost your mood and most importantly it is one of the most powerful plant air purifiers in the world. Pretty great gift right?
The design
Keeping our green initiative in focus, our plant pots were made using cement mixture and recycled materials. Our friends and clients at Simonds Farsons and Halmann Vella helped us by donating their offcuts of glass and marble for us to use. The WGN team got personally involved too, by gathering discarded plastic from their homes and our office. Together, these materials gave our pot bases added texture, colour and gloss. The final touch was a splash of our signature BRND WGN pink so our pots could stand out. Then each plant was individually addressed and delivered by us, with a gift tag crafted from recycled cardboard featuring a beautifully illustrated Aloe Vera plant printed using gold Lino Print.
We tied a ribbon around our idea and message with a specially built landing page (you can see it here) showing a personal Christmas note from our team, explaining to the recipient why they were getting an Aloe Vera plant this year, how to take care of it and how to donate to the Rainforest Trust as well.
Like all our holiday presents, this was a labour of love. Aside from the Aloe Vera plant itself, every aspect of our gift was made by hand by Wagoneers on our premises. From creating the moulds to mixing the concrete, sanding the pots, painting the finishing details, designing the tags, building the website and proudly delivering our gifts to our clients.
You can donate too!
Our nature has suffered in Malta and more recently and intensely in Brazil and Australia. But we are incredibly lucky to have amazing companies, charities and organisations that fight to protect our planet and any efforts to save the environment are causes which we fully support – which is why we chose the Rainforest Trust.
The Rainforest Trust saves acres of nature through land purchases and designations. Donations are used to buy land and create conservation projects that protect wildlife now and in the future. So far they’ve saved over 23 million acres all over the world and have millions of acres in the pipeline. By 2020, they aim to be working toward the security of 50 million acres.If you would like to learn more about what they do and donate to their cause as well you can visit their site here.