Creating good videos means spending time watching what other agencies are releasing - both the good videos, and the bad, says BRND WGN’s Jeremy Debattista. One which he thinks has standout qualities is Think Nice’s Bullshit.
Nine months ago I came across a video called ‘Bullshit’. I pressed play thinking it would be some humorous skit that normally floods my Facebook news feed. I couldn't have been more wrong. Since that day I find myself re-watching it over and over again. And I really feel the need to say why this video is so important, especially in this day and age.
The video introduces us to an American philosopher, Harry Frankfurt, and gives his take on what is bullshit. And what effect it has on people today. These days we like to be ‘fed’ a constant stream of entertaining stories, to the point when we can not separate what is real, and what is fake. This has led to a number of manipulated truths that we believe to be reality. And this fake reality is slowly leading us down a dangerous path.
Working in an industry like advertising, I have become accustomed to bullshit. I still remember my university days, where my friends and I would discuss and joke about who has the best bullshit story to why their logo was green instead of red, and why we used a bold sans serif font instead of italic classical. However, these days are long gone, and I have become more concerned with letting people know what is real.
I think it has become more important for us to realise what is real and what is fake. These days it is hard to tell the difference, due to adverts being so vague. We are bombarded with messages such as “the freshest food”, “the most professional business”, “the best experience”, but what is it really saying? And where is the proof to back-up this claim? I’ve come to realise that adverts sometimes say a lot without saying much at all. A sentence that Harry Frankfurt says at the end rings true: “A world without bullshit would be quite interesting”, and I think he is right.
How are we sifting through all the bullshit to find out what is true, and what is fake. I think it is up to us (the agency) to question our client so we don’t release the same adverts we've been bombarded with in the last decade. ‘The Best Bike’. Ok. But why is it the best bike? It’s time to stop being vague, making evidence-lacking statements, and start answering questions.
We’ve all heard of the term ‘fake news’. Those two words have become more popular than a Beyonce song and make my skin crawl more than hearing the word ‘moist’ or ‘vis-a-vis’. With the ever dominant powers of social media, we have become gluttonous for any sort of news story, photos, adverts, etc. Yet we still find ourselves begging for more. I think it’s about time that we stop and really look at ourselves. Consider the fact that we are losing touch with reality, and it’s time to strip away all that is not needed and focus on what is important. Don’t believe the hype? Don’t believe the bullshit!
Here are three other standout videos:
#WeBelieveInThePowerOfLove by Nike
This is glitch heaven. A daring abstract advert from Nike that combines 3D graphics, topless models on horses, multiple cutouts, all with a distorted electronic rap soundtrack in the back. So millennial it hurts.
Memoria by Wolfstreet
This video has it all. Snippets from the past, subtle sound effects of firecrackers going off while you stare at the girl of your dreams, emotionally tied together with a piano synth track.
My Magic Mum by Stefan Hunt
Charity videos are hard to create. Most are the the same, and people seem to have become immune to them. However, My Magic Mum takes a different spin. The short film is a creative twist on asking people for help.
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