How our Creative Copywriter Phia Warr, managed to travel from London-Paris-Lyon-Monaco-Sicily-Malta in one week.
How our Creative Copywriter Phia Warr, managed to travel from London-Paris-Lyon-Monaco-Sicily-Malta in one week…all without missing a day's work.
When you work for a branding agency, every day brings something new. A new project. A new urgency. A new learning. It makes those who are restless, well-suited for agency life. Those who can’t stop exploring, experimenting, testing, and chasing new ideas.
So when a new opportunity came my way, a “can’t-possibly-turn-it-down” opportunity, I reached out to the original BWB (Big WGN Boss).
The conversation went something like this…
Me: Thinking about driving back down from London to Malta (in a McLaren!!). Just checking that you are ok with me working remotely?
Pete (BWB): Go, go, go! Have fun!
“Remote working. Work anywhere you find inspiration”
Before joining the WGN (over a year ago), I did the obligatory scroll through the company's social media and website and came across the line: “Remote working. Work anywhere you find inspiration”. For the first time in my working life, it became obvious that this level of flexibility and trust was something that I really wanted from a company.
In fact, in my first year, I’ve probably worked in 20+ locations; including coffee shops, hotels, outdoor parks, and co-working spaces in London, Paris, Monaco, and Malta.
It really does sound too good to be true, which begs the question, WHY? Why would any company give this level of trust and flexibility to its employees?
Well, the focus at the WGN has always been about trusting and developing one another. Not just because we genuinely care for each other, but because we all want to be pretty great people, as well as great at what we do.
When you join the WGN, full trust is given. But it’s won and lost by doing what we say we’re going to do.
The Itinerary (short version):
Day 1. Paris.
Even though one of our beliefs is “challenge everything”, one challenge I wasn’t quite ready for was the dodgy wifi at the first hotel. After driving from London the night before, I managed to connect to my hotspot in time for my 9am meeting and then headed out onto the glittering streets of Paris to hunt down the nearest co-working space.
Day 2. Paris-Lyon.
With the wifi still down, I blagged my way into a hotel lobby with the promise of buying a coffee. When it’s just you, a project, a quiet space, and a caffeine boost, it’s much easier to get yourself into a creative wilderness where ideas quickly blossom.
This might be the part where you wonder, what exactly does agency life as a Creative Copywriter look like?
Well, the good news about being an adult is that you’ve attended enough social events to be well-versed in answering the question, “So, what do you do for a living?”
As a copywriter, I take all the information from strategy, media, and accounts and turn it into concepts that blend language in new, compelling ways. Often working side-by-side with designers to bring ideas to life across a range of media and formats. Think billboards, taglines, TV commercials, digital media, video scripts, press releases, client pitches, and lots and lots of writing.
Day 3. Lyon-Monaco.
Waking up in Lyon involved a 'le petit déjeuner' (little breakfast) and a stroll along the River Rhône. “Inspiration can come from anywhere” still rings true, but it’s a lot easier to get into a creative headspace when you’re working with a view. Good for work and for the soul.
Day 4. Monaco.
Eye-opening. Big campaign win. €28 omelettes.
Day 5. Monaco-Genova-Sicily.
Fitting a day's work in around check-out times, sightseeing, and 5-hour drives taught me my biggest lesson in efficiency. Having an enforced deadline to stick to, gave me the motivation needed to get the job done. I didn’t mind that the balance between work and downtime had become blurred because travelling had re-lit a spark. I felt more creative than ever.
The final leg of the trip was a 20hr overnight boat trip from Genova to Sicily and then a final drive back to Malta on Sunday. By Monday morning, I was back in the office, presenting to a client and ready for another week's work.
"When you work for a marketing agency, every day brings something new”
Adventuring into new territories is similar to agency life. Travelling and discovering new places sparks curiosity, which is integral to any successful creative career. The whole point of the work we do is to try things that we’ve never tried before. And a willingness to take the risk is half the battle. The other half is hard work, talent, and perseverance.
So, if a company is ready to adapt, roll with the times, and help you accommodate your dreams, then by any standards - they’re a pretty damn good agency to work for.
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