Decisions, decisions, decisions. Every moment of our creatively executive lives is pretty much taken up by the taking, making, avoiding or executing of decisions, micro and macro, important, futile and sometimes game changing. Those decisions are sometimes our own decisions but at times someone else’s.
At BRND WGN we have long lived by the ethos that our existence is solely focused on achieving brand excellence and decision making has everything to do with it. BRND WGN will be transitioning from agency to consultancy. That is a decision that has been taken.
Years of supporting brand owners and entrepreneurs has allowed us to build a vast library of knowledge, which sometimes is confined to internal discussions between marketing and creative; regretfully never reaching the omnipotent boardrooms, crowded by those who could make best use of our mastery. And that Ladies and Gents is why we have decided to shift up a gear and expand our reach slightly higher. From executing on decisions taken; to supporting in the decision making.
Let’s face it, the days of the old agency ‘Methode Traditionelle’ where planners, directors and creatives scurry to deliver solely to a client brief, is not the best use of the industry’s insight and experience. It’s time for a new generation agency.
Equipped with an expert and experienced team of brand, design and tech consultants, we are now, more than ever, able to support our clients with the knowledge and tools to empower them and support them in crossing those impasses when decision time comes along. Of course the way we do it is nothing typical of a classic consulting firm.
We’ve gone beyond looking simply at customer experience as a delivery, and started to focus our efforts higher up the chain to see how employee satisfaction, internal brand engagement and organisational strategy and purpose drive process, which in turn drives customer satisfaction.
Our process is simple, agile and collaborative. We’ve taken all we’ve learnt from running creative and digital teams, all the techniques and hacks we’ve used to take tough decisions on a deadline in the past and packed them up into an advisory service that’s like no other.
We’ve created our own methodologies for running brand sprints to ensure we can test hypothesis in the leanest and fastest way without spending too much time and resources. We have mastered the techniques and built our own frameworks for validating ideas and solving big challenges without wasting time on mumbo-jumbo-information-obesity.
Does that mean that we’re not doing creative or digital anymore? Absolutely, not! Far from it actually, our creative and digital has never been stronger.
This transformation, is by design, supported by years of work done with some of our long-term clients. Experience that has proven that we are of best use to our customers when our reach is both far and wide. Experience that has also shown us that when marketing tricks just won’t cut it, someone needs to be able to tell the CEO that it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee. Someone that’s not necessarily internal, someone able to stand in front of the big wigs upstairs and say what everyone is thinking but no one is sure they should say.
It is in these moments of truth where we actually do our clients the best of favours. Just like a true friend, honest enough to tell you the truth and strong enough to lift you up from the hole you might be in.
And just like Marmite and Kinnie, not everyone might love this latest BRND WGN decision, but then again we are not for everyone. We’re there for brand leaders who are ready to take advantage of the current best practices to grow better and faster, differentiate their brand experience and drive change across their organisations and market.
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