It took two buckets of pink paint, hundreds of shots and lots of props to capture the profile photos of each Wagoneer ahead of the launch of our new website.
We received great feedback about the profile pictures of our previous website so we wanted to keep the fun element and turn up the professional feel.
“We wanted high-quality images that look good and have some quirkiness,” explains Head of Creative Kris Vella Petroni.
“We liked the idea of having a dark background with a pop of colour - BRND WGN pink. We really wanted to showcase the people behind our work - the Wagoneers,” says Kris who aptly dressed as a Roman centurion to lead the team into the spotlight.

Each Wagoneer was asked to bring a prop of their choice and we made a list of the props to avoid overlaps. A few days before the shoot - planned and choreographed by Creatives Kris, Kat Karamallaki, Jeremy Debattista and Glenn Grech - we painted the props our signature pink.
We also mapped out a timetable, so each Wagoneer knew when their picture was to be taken during the two-day shoot.

We decided to collaborate with an external professional photographer. “Collaboration is fun, inspiring and an opportunity to see how others work and learn from each other. It’s always been something we welcome. When there is clear direction, good chemistry, and people click, the final result always exceeds our expectations,” says Kris.

Photographer Kris Micallef blended seamlessly into the WGN during the two-day shoot. “What I love about BRND WGN is that they value teamwork. When I was approached to photograph the entire team, I knew it wasn't going to be the usual corporate shots. I love the Wagoneers’ approach, creativity and dedication they give to every project - whatever its scale,” says Kris adding: “It was pink, fun, messy, quirky and very unique. Each portrait was creative and revealed a bit of the character of each person.”

On the days of the shoot Marlis Zammit, our Traffic Manager, put her makeup skills to good use and ensured we all looked our very best.
“Since our Creative team came up with the idea to make our pink branding colour stand out, I felt the makeup should be as simple as possible. I just wanted to make everyone look like a normal day at the office, except for the pink crazy props,” says Marlis, explaining that it was her love of makeup that led her to pick glitter as her prop.
“As a makeup artist, I definitely wanted to apply something on my face. I wanted to get that messy look, like the powder was randomly thrown on my face. Since I had about 20 grams of pigment, we decided to start throwing it up in the air by using one of my makeup brushes,” she recalls. In fact it was Kat who flicked the glitter at her while she stood under the lights, arms crossed, looking straight into the camera.
The photographer, Kris, snapped away while Senior Creative Philip Sultana filmed the Behind The Scenes. The studio was buzzing and, despite the glitter and paint on the floor, everything was under control and moving according to plan.
Many a Wagoneer got messy during the shoot - be it confetti, sweets stuck to their face, or paint drizzled, poured or painted onto them. There was pink tea, batter, wine and melting ice-cream, apart from wigs, feathers and all sorts of pink headgear.

Then there were the inflatables - a flamingo, balloons and bubble gum. Bubble wrap was Creative Keith Brincat’s prop inspired by the inside joke about his skinny, “fragile” frame.
“Everyone was on the same wavelength - to bring the best out of every Wagoneer in the most creative way possible. The lighting was brilliant, and Kris was very easy to work with,” he says adding: “I also have every bragging right to say that my photo was a one-shot-wonder.”
But he only ranked second for the Pinkest Picture Prize, which went to our new Wagoneer in Chief - Murphy.
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