BRND WGN’s Head of Client Services, Martin Dimbleby, says there’s more branding insight in the Moana song than you would expect.
Just like every other parent round the globe, I am having to watch the kids’ film Moana right now. Continuously. And that has made the theme song’s lyrics sink in. And they ring pretty true for clients, too: “This is not who you are. You know who you are.” But awareness of knowing who you are is often taken for granted in the professional services industry. I believe that sometimes, the noise takes over the experience and we lose focus and forget our story.
During a Google Partners’ Masterclass held recently in Malta, Spiros Milonas (founder of KRATAION Consulting) asked a room full of local marketing agencies two simple questions:
- What type of agency are you?
- Who is your perfect client?
I answered with confidence. We’re a strategic creative branding agency who specialise in working with brands going through transition. But I seemed to be alone in being able to answer with confidence. I am also confident that I wasn’t always so resolute about that answer during my BRND WGN journey.
Spiros explained that he speaks to hundreds of digital agencies around Europe, and the majority of those companies struggle to answer those two simple questions. “Knowing who you are and who you want to work with should be the foundations to any organisation, right? It’s common sense, right?” Maybe not.
This got me thinking about the eight years I have been working at BRND WGN. In this time I have worked on countless branding projects, with many amazing companies and inspiring individuals. I’ve seen some great ideas flourish, and some fail. In fact, looking back over the years the brands that have succeeded were those that fundamentally understood who they and their clients were.
The harsh truth is that it is so easy to lose focus. It’s also easier to postpone taking the ongoing journey of self-discovery. For those who take the plunge, however, the rewards are infinite and the glory of the story is actually in writing it.
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